Central Bank Survey 2023
Between May and July 2023, Banknote Industry News conducted a survey amongst 146 Central Banks worldwide; 37 Central Banks provided answers & insights. Please find below the key results of the survey. A comprehensive presentation will be shared at the upcoming Mint & Print Conference in Dubai / October 2023.
Participating Central Banks have the following banknote substrates in circulation (at the time of responses):
65%: Cotton substrate in circulation
22%: Mixed banknote substrates in circulation
8%: Polymer substrate in circulation
5%: Composite substrate
1. How much did the Banknotes in Circulation (VOLUME) change for the year 2022 vs. 2021 in %?
+4.5% on a global perspective
(10 countries had even a growth of banknotes in circulation by above 8%)
For the year 2023 a (slight) decrease in the growth of banknotes in circulation can be observed (levels off between 3-4%)
2. Is hoarding of CASH (still) a driver within your country?
It appears that it is still a factor in most of the countries
In total 59% of all Central Banks confirmed that this is a key driver; 27% neglect it
3. How has CASH PAYMENT changed in 2022 vs 2021 in %, compared to Card or digital payment within your country?
Many countries indicated a two digit growth for digital payment in 2022 vs 2021.
But overall it can be noticed an ongoing cash payment growth rate by 2% (four countries reported even a growth by 8%)
4. Do you consider changing the substrate for the banknotes in circulation in the near future?
92% of the participating Central Banks in the survey indicated that they are doing well with the current banknote substrate in circulation !
... only 8% confirmed that a change of substrate is being planned towards
a) polymer substrate
b) composite substrate
5. Are you shredding the banknotes central or decentral? Online or Offline?
78% Central and 22% Decentral
Online vs Offline - Central Banks reported as:
54% online + offline
27% online
19% offline
6. Are you planning to change the shredding process to decentral or centralized?
5% responded that they are planning to have a change in the set-up
95% No change is being planned in the set up of the shredding process regarding central / decentral
7a. ... but is a more sustainable shredding approach being planned?
27% of all participating Central Banks said YES
73% are not yet planning to change it currently
7b ... have you heard about the GREEN LINE Shredding concept by Hunkeler Systeme?
35% Yes
65% No
8. On which topics should the banknote industry working on?
#1 Sustainability & Recycling of banknote wastage: 35% of all Central Banks mentioned this is as a priority topic
#2a Features of banknotes: 22%
#2b Durability of banknotes in circulation: 22%
#3 Cash Management Cycle - Automation of Cash Operations
9. Primary Media Source of Information for Central Banks worldwide?
35% of responding Central Banks within the survey stated that they have ONLY Banknote Industry News as its primary source of information
65% of all responding Central Banks stated that they have both a) Banknote Industry News & b) Currency News as a source of information
This underpins that Banknote Industry News is the most distributed media source of information on a global perspective!